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PostSubject: through time through time Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2007 9:48 pm

I will now take into consideration the possibility, for a human being (or for any other physical body, whether animated or not), that is for a physical entity formed by atoms and molecules and therefore ponderable, to travel through time. Granted that it is not actually my intention to try to support such possibility or actually minimize it; my intention is to uniquely analyze the aspects and most significant consequences from a „quantum-classical“ point of view (therefore leaving the resolution of all „logical“ paradoxes, to phylosophers and most ascetic scientists.
Therefore, let’s imagine two points in space (A and B,see fig1.1), between which there is a determined distance (c), in three distinct dimensional situations; that is in three distinct spatiotemporal tissues..In order to facilitate your comprehension, I would suggest to compare distance c to the space-time tissue. through time Clip_image002
Apparently, when we reflect erroneously in euclidean terms, it would appear that the distance between A e B decreases parallel to the decline of the curving of the spatiotemporal tissue or viceversa. Well, this is absolutely untrue.
Let’s imagine that the spatio-temporal tissue (c) represents a long metallic filament constituted by atoms and molecules. By measuring the distance between points A e B that is, between their extremities, in whichever model of N-dimensional space we find ourselves, the filament would always appear to be the same length. This is for the simple fact that not only the metallic filament is influenced by the spatio-temporal curving but also the observer. Where is it therefore necessary to research physical differences inherent to the three filament models? (see fig. 1.1) Otherwise, going back to travels through time, should research be carried out in the three models (in case the same individual finds himself in three different models of space or spatio-temporal tissue)?
Would the three filaments-individuals show in all the different models (three) of space-time the the same quantum behaviour? Let’s try to find out:
A dilated spatio-temporal tissue, due to its own “strong” curving, implies a considerably decrease of the absolute value of Time (|T|) and in line with a considerable increase of the absolute value of space (|S|). Such important characteristic of the spatio-temporal tissue is nothing but a logical consequence of the mathematization of the space-time concept, that is:|T|.|S|=K(where K represents a constant present in each point of the Universe). This hypothesis-consideration was reached on the basis of Prigogine’s on Universal time (which originally was Bergson’s); idea which was developed mathematically in the book ”Between Time and Eternity” with an analysis on systems of time distribution, average times within space-time.
It is clear that no physique which is ..mentally healthy, would actually ever dare to challenge the fact that space and time are completely relative to the system in which they belong; and would therefore never actually dare to talk about space and absolute time. But as we have seen, thanks to Prigogine’s work, it is at least possible to accept the idea of Absolute Time.
Now considering that we fully accept the fact that the entire Universe is defined by some kind of Absolute Time, thanks to that simple game of symmetries which has always characterized every new principle in the scientific field, it is therefore essential that its adversary exist…which is Absolute Space!
If we consider certain the argument that the fundamental structure of space-time remains constant in each part of the Universe, we must also take for granted that space and time must necessarily abide to a universal law of complementarity, actually apt to guarantee the invariability of the fundamental structure of space-time ... in any area of the Universe!
At this point it would be completely wrong to believe that I would want to readdress Einstein’s popular Cosmological Constant; the product of space and time (whether absolute or relative), defines a constant which cannot be expressed in a unit of energy (Joules,eV,cal,...)!
On the other hand, what such constant represents, which I have defined with the symbol K is nothing but the spectre, the ”soul”, of each spatiotemporal structure obviously expressed with a symbolic unit of measure.
In brackets:
It is now known that as J.Magueijo says :” the problem of the Cosmological Constant is due to the fact that the energy of emptiness is not “diluted” by the expansion of the Universe, it is the opposite of what happens with matter and radiation. For this reason the energy of emptiness would quickly end up dominating the Universe, unless it weren’t possible to already find a way to brutally suppress it in the primordial Universe.”
Magueijo, a physicist of Portuguese origins who is well known throughout the world, also claims that the speed of light is not constant in the Universe; from such hypothesis-premise he has elaborated a series of theories linked to the concepts of Special and General Relativity (which together take the name of VSL; the acronym is translated in varying speed of light) with which he claims to have “found a way to exorcise the Cosmolo-gical Constant”.
There is only one way to ripristinate the concept of Constant Cosmology, without it contrasting the laws of the Theory of Relativity, and such Constant is to be intended as a symbolic entity, linked to the concept of energy from Plans which are so fine, which today’s man is still unable to visualize and therefore able to expose in a mathematical way; only in such acceptation, it is possible to identify the constant K, with the Cosmological Constant.

The increase of the absolute value of space, implies a necessary atomic-molecular compression of the subject under discussion suitable for guaranteeing its energetic compactness. This is a condition necessary so that the atoms which constitute the body under discussion do not tend to disassociate themselves from each other (which the tendency of atomic dissociation, more commonly known as radioactivity happens to bodies found in a space contracting itself and which the absolute value of Time tends to considerably increase). A radioactive body, must therefore be intended as a complex form of energy, able to induce space to contract itself!
It could therefore by supposed that a radioactive body moves in space at extremely elevated speeds, that it emits a minor number of radioactive particles, with respects to another (identical) body which is instead found in a state of stillness. We have therefore arrived at this point able to propose a new guise, as a final condition of our model of initial space-time N-dimensional, the so-called...Contraction of lenghts (according to the General Relativity and “related” Lorentz’s high speeds; such analogy appears evident if we consider space covered by a body in linear motion, as dilated with respect to the space circumscribing the same body in an inertial system.
Let’s now compare our argument with the basis of General Relativity in order to make them more evident and therefore, as far as some aspects…convalidate them:

a)The theory of R.G. states that in the proximity of mass, watches are slower.[The value of absolute time decreases considerably when space tends to dilate itself, and vice versa. A strong curbing of space, implies a strong dilatation of the same. Around mass, space is rather curved, so it implies that watches should therefore run slowly].

b)The theory of R.G. states that in the proximity of mass, gauges (lengths) actually get shorter.

An interesting aspect therefore of the physical reality our really pleasant time traveller could find itself, at a distance of a few milleniums from his starting temporal interval (that his from his initial space model), is that the same could make it appear (to Eternal Father’s eyes, the only observer who is not subjected to spatio-temporal bonds), with a different “stature” for each different spatio-temporal model. He could obviously never be aware of such thing..
All these considerations and “logical” deductions on the nature of time travelling, we could solely accept if we took for granted the initial argument on cyclical oscillation of space-time curving of the Universe; otherwise the same would not make any sense.

...Dulcis in fundo:

With a simple analogue reasoning we could come to the following conclusion: if the contraction of lengths in the theory of General Relativity reflects in some way the Contraction of Lorentz expected for bodies in linear motion at high speeds, because for both a determined dilatation of space appears (in order for them to manifest themselves) and considering the fact that for each value of the Contraction of Lorentz corresponds a respective relativistic increase of the mass of the body under question, it could be deducted that such relativitist increase of mass would also somewhat correspond to the contraction of lengths expected in the proximity of mass, that is, where the space is more curved and therefore more dilated. I am simply saying that the mass of a body could vary depending upon the curving of the space in which the same is found. The mass of a body moving away from Earth, should therefore as a principle, noticeably diminish. Such decline, however, due to its endlessly small entity, will surely remain still imponderable for several years to human beings. Inertial mass and gravitational mass, could therefore not be the same but because on Earth the variation of the Gravitational Constant is too small to be measured, nobody has yet been able to deduce such possibility.
As a last analysis, we could risk the hypothesis that the frequency of stationary waves which define the energetic levels of atoms constituting a determined body that moves away from Earth, due to an decrease of the curving of space and therefore a slight contraction of the same, tends to increase sensibly. In such case, the body under discussion would lean towards manifesting a determining radioactive behaviour (even if minimal) which would lead to an inevitable and obviously imponderable diminishing of its mass. From this hypothesis, another follows which is even more bizzarre:

The increase of frequency of stationary waves, would entail a proportional increase of quantum interferences of the system taken into consideration. The velocity of decoherence of such system, because of its progressive move away from the Earth, would therefore lead to a decrease; this is because in such a system, there would be more quantum interferences to eliminate*5 The body in question, could therefore in this case, present a determined quantum-classical behaviour.

If we go back for the nth and last time to our dearest time traveller (Mr.Jack-a-fly ), we could even imagine that he, in determined models of space where he could unfortunately be “projected, he would adopt a quantum-classical behaviour. In front of the eyes of a possible troglodyte or scientist in the year 2600, he could therefore appear and disappear; exactly as the light of an intermittent lamp. Such hypothesis or considerations could surely remind someone of the most striking parts of Charles Berlitz’s book: Experiment Philadelphia. And if we were invaded by „hordes of tourists from the future“ on a daily basis, contrary to Hawking’s beliefs, but could not realize it for the simple fact that we are unable to see them?

Comparative discussion:

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